Our Client Funds

Lakeshore Community Foundation gratefully acknowledges its clients for their generous contributions. Some contributions established charitable funds, while other contributions enriched existing funds. Some contributions were given anonymously, while other contributions were made as honorariums or memoriams. Each contribution represents a commitment to improve our communities for generations.

We are grateful to the Ruth St. John and John Dunham West Foundation for its generous support and
for sharing our commitment to create a vibrant community foundation for the Lakeshore Area.  

To understand how distributions are made from our client funds, please hover over each of the following fund types: Agency Funds; Designated Funds; Donor-Advised Funds; Field of Interest Funds; Unrestricted Funds.

Educational Horizons Foundation Fund
Kiel Educational Endowment Fund
Lincoln Park Zoological Society of Manitowoc County Endowment
Manitowoc Symphony Orchestra Endowed Chairs Fund
Manitowoc Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund 
The Phil Binks Campership Fund for Camp Anokijig
St. Peter's United Church of Christ Endowment Fund
Treehouse Theater Endowment Fund
Twelve Baskets
United Way Manitowoc County Endowment Fund
United Way Sheboygan County Community Needs Fund
Suzanne E. Bare Charitable Fund
Tom and Virginia Bare Charitable Fund
Thomas J. Bare Charitable Fund
Gerald G. and Mary Jeanne Censky Charitable Fund
Jim & Karen Fasse Foundation
Les Graebel Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Larry Kaner Endowment for Youth Services at the Lester Public Library
Lakeshore Community Foundation Endowment
Tony and Kathy (Wotachek) Rathsack Charitable Fund
Laurie Sales Venture Foundation
The Dr. Buzz and Judy Schroeder Fund
Dennis J. & Mary B. Swetlik Charitable Foundation
Jim and Pat Tadych Scholarship Fund
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
The Aschenbrenner Foundation
Anthony, Carolyn & Julie Boldt Fund
Joseph H. and Mary Jane Buenzow Family Charitable Fund
John M. Cashman and Mary A. Govier Foundation
Donald & Brenda De Bruyn Charitable Fund
Derksen Bare Family Fund
The Joseph and Eleanor DiRaimondo Family Fund
Wencel F. & Mabel M. Dufek Charitable Foundation
Finn's Fund
Rae Bonner Gutschow & Ernst Gutschow Foundation
Stephen M. & Beverly J. Hamann Fund
Frank Koczan & Mary Gosnell Koczan Legacy Fund
The Langan Family Fund
Steven P. & Christina J. Lankton Charitable Foundation
Lindsey Caroline Memorial Fund
Jacque & Ed McKelvey Family Fund
Meredith McKelvey Fund
John C. and Katherine B. Miller Charitable Fund
Mark A. & Joan Ravanelli Miller Fund
Michael B. & Amy H. Molepske Foundation
Theodore & Sibylla Pauly Fund
Quick Family Foundation
David and Sandra Sachse
Timothy & Heather Schneider Family Foundation
John & Kerry Schnell Charitable Fund
Jeff & Diana Shircel Foundation
Van Lishout Family Fund
The Vopat Family Foundation

Love Your Neighbor Fund

The Lakeshore Fund is a permanent, charitable resource that will grow with the support of today's donors and future generations. It is a flexible, unrestricted fund that can respond to ever-changing opportunities and provide program support to the nonprofit sector. 
If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution to the Lakeshore Fund, please visit Make a Contribution.
Thank you to the following donors for their generous contributions to the Lakeshore Fund:
Duane Argall
John Arganian
Bank First National - Oshkosh
Karen Bromelkamp
Compeer Financial Fund, a donor advised fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
Thomas Drill
Paul & Nancy Dvorachek
Shirley M. Jacob Administrative Trust
Schenck SC Staff - Manitowoc
The Marianne Schnabl Foundation
The Meffryes Giving Account
Service League of Manitowoc County
Ken C. & Rebecca O. Stoffel
Ken C. Stoffel, Family and Friends of
Richard Wells
Donors made contributions in honor or memory of the following people:

Mark and Sandy Binversie - Lakeshore Protecting Animal Welfare Fund

Mark Birschbach - Lakeshore Protecting Animal Welfare Fund
Cobia Crew Members Family - USS Cobia Maintenance and Preservation Endowment
Paul & Nancy Dvorachek - Lakeshore Fund - In honor of those who celebrated with them during their 50 years of marriage.
Linda Loman-Bendix and Gary Bendix - Lakeshore Protecting Animal Welfare Fund
Michael B. Molepske - Lakeshore Fund
Robin and Jeff Stoeger - Lakeshore Protecting Animal Welfare Fund
Rachel E. Wiegert - Lakeshore Fund
Ervin J. Delsman - Lakeshore Protecting Animal Welfare Fund
Paul & Nancy Dvorachek - Lakeshore Fund - In memory of those who celebrated with them during their 50 years of marriage.
Patricia Haefke - Lakeshore Protecting Animal Welfare Fund
Chester Loman-Bendix - Lakeshore Protecting Animal Welfare Fund
Ken C. Stoffel - Lakeshore Fund