woodland dunes nature center preserve
Wood Nature Center entrance

Woodland Dunes Endowment Fund

Woodland Dunes Nature Center, established in 1974, spans 1,500 acres and is home to more than 400 species of plants, 220 species of resident and migratory birds, 40 species of mammals, and thousands of species of invertebrates. We are also home to rare, state-threatened and federally endangered species. Large portions of our preserve are designated by the Wisconsin DNR as globally significant. To access, appreciate and learn about this unique land, we have seven miles of hiking trails available to the public at no cost, offering them a first-hand experience with the natural wonders found here.

Our mission is to protect this globally important habitat by maintaining its ecological integrity, and to educate our community in understanding and appreciating the value of nature.

Since our inception in 1974, over 150,000 children have participated in our nature-based, hands-on education programs. We begin educating children as young as three years old and continue through high school years. Most programs are free or offered for a nominal fee.

We are a non-for-profit organization and do not receive any governmental funding for our operations.

Woodland Dunes has created an endowment to support the big picture of environmental awareness, conservation, and education through our local efforts. To make a contribution to the Woodland Dunes Endowment Fund, please make your check payable to:

Woodland Dunes Nature Center
3000 Hawthorne Ave. | P.O. Box 486 | Two Rivers, WI  54241
P. 920.793.4007

To learn more about Woodland Dunes, visit us at: https://www.woodlanddunes.org/

Wood birders on boardwalk
Wood American redstart
Wood fox
Wood kid n frog