Paws4Laws/Manitowoc County Sheriff's Office K-9 Preservation Fund

The Paws4Laws/Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Preservation Fund was established to help ensure that the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Program continues to protect the residents of Manitowoc County.

Funded in the early 1980’s by a generous citizen, the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Program is one of the longest, continually operating programs in the State of Wisconsin. The K-9 units, which provide community safety by way of a dog’s nose, typically run between 150-200 deployments each year. The deployments range from: 

      • Drug detections
      • Tracking fleeing suspects
      • Building searches
      • Evidence searches
      • Locating lost individuals
      • Community demonstrations

Since the initial donation to establish the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Program is nearly depleted, a group of passionate citizens established Paws4Laws, a 501(c)(3) public charity, to support the program through public fundraising. One hundred percent (100%) of the publicly-raised funds are used to support the program.

To support the Manitowoc County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Program, send your tax-deductible contribution to:

P.O. Box 2152 | Manitowoc, WI  54221-2152
P. 920.443.9714

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