Lakeshore Fund
If establishing your own fund doesn’t interest you, you can contribute to the collective giving impact of the Lakeshore Fund, joining forces with other donors to respond to ever-changing charitable opportunities within the Lakeshore Area. The Lakeshore Fund is a flexible, permanent fund that supports a diverse, effective group of local nonprofit organizations that are working to positively impact the Lakeshore Area. Distributions from the Lakeshore Fund are made through a competitive grant application process and are awarded to innovative, sustainable and measurable projects or programs in the areas of:
Health ~ Human Needs
Public Safety ~ Recreation ~ Religious
How to Give
Gifts to the Lakeshore Fund can be made via cash, stocks, life insurance proceeds, IRAs or retirement plans to name a few. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution to the Lakeshore Fund, please visit Make a Contribution.